Filmmaker Karin Bandelin presents her new video work “Baby I Promise”. A four-walls video projection featuring Andrea Schruff and Frank Künster.

The nocturnal solitude of the linked networker whose reference system opens with the display of his computer, and is not oriented towards the human beings next door leads to contacts of a particular structure.
The inclination to status symbols and self representation is most frequently manifested on the net in a shameless and dubious manner: the overemphasis of a person concerning materialism and pretended social rank leaves space for expansion.. The course of these relationships follows its own rules: demand and supply are quite frequently out of balance. The resulting advantages often are not just of an emotional or sexual type. Many a communication develops rapidly and explicitly towards a business model for squeezing large sums of money.

Encounters beyond the cyberspace of courting become the rare lucky chance, even though this might be the heartfelt purpose.
Lonelyness remains.

“Karin Bandelins bisherige Video-Arbeiten umfassen Motive rund um den Globus, dennoch ist der spezifische detailorientierte Blick bei allen ähnlich, sei es eine Dokumentation über die Berliner Mauer, die unbedingt im Winter nachts gedreht werden musste, sei es das Heimweh der Seeleute, das diese in über zehn Sprachen zum Ausdruck bringen, sei es marokkanisches Verkehrsgetümmel, das mit der Stille der antiken Stätten kontrastiert.., immer gibt es das beharrliche Verweilen auf dem Wahrgenommenen, das Geschaute soll in seiner Eigentümlichkeit respektiert werden.”
Andrea Schruff
Frank Künster
Karin Bandelin
Video Installation
18:00 – 22:00
One evening only